How to Invest in Royalties? 9 Passive Ways to Make Money on Royalties

Why Invest in Royalties?

It’s no secret that royalties can be a great way to generate passive income. But what are they, exactly?

Simply put, royalties are payments made to an individual or company for the use of their intellectual property. This could include anything from copyrighted material (like books and music) to patented technology or trademarks.

Because royalties represent a stream of regular income, they can be an attractive investment for those looking to build up a passive income portfolio. In fact, many royalty investments yield high returns year over year – making them a smart choice for long-term growth. Are you ready to learn more about how to invest in royalties?

What are the Types of Royalties to Invest In?

There are many ways to invest in royalties. You can purchase the rights to future royalties, buy into an existing royalty fund, or partner with a creative individual or company that owns valuable IP.

No matter how you choose to invest, Royalties offer a unique opportunity for a high-yield return on your investment. So if you’re looking for reliable and consistent income, royals may be right for you!

1. Music Royalties

In the music industry, royalties are typically collected by a mechanical rights organization (such as ASCAP) or performance-rights organizations such as BMI and SESAC. These organizations represent songwriters, composers, and music publishers.

how to invest in royalties music

Recording companies are not involved in the distribution of royalty monies to the creators of the sound recordings. The recording company collects royalties from the retail sale of records.

The royalties collected by the mechanical rights organizations are based on the number of records sold, and not on their sales price or any other criteria. The royalty rate is a percentage of the retail price. For example, if a record sells for $10, and the royalty rate is 10%, the artist would earn $1 per record sold.

In addition to royalties paid to creators of the sound recordings, there are also royalties paid to songwriters and publishers for the public performance of their compositions. These royalties are distributed by another organization called ASCAP, BMI or SESAC.

Who is the highest-paid music artist in royalties today?

If we look at current artists, it’s a different story. Taylor Swift is by far the highest-paid music artist in royalties. She earned $39 million from her songwriting and recording royalties last year, alone.

2. Patent Royalties

A patent is a property right granted by the government to an inventor for his or her invention. The purpose of patents is to promote innovation and progress in technology, science, and medicine.

To receive a patent, the inventor must apply to a government agency called the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The USPTO reviews the application for completeness and novelty. If the application meets the requirements, it is published and open to public inspection.

The patent owner may then enforce his or her rights against those who infringe on the patent by making use of the patented invention without permission.

how to invest in royalties patent

The patent owner earns royalties from any sales of the patented technology. Today, many patents are licensed for use by other companies, which pay the patent owner royalties based on their sales.

A similar concept is copyright protection. Copyright law protects original works of authorship, such as books, music, paintings and films. Copyright law does not protect ideas or facts; it only protects the way those are expressed.

How much can you earn as a patent owner? Royalties depend on the product and industry, but in general, they average around 4% to 5%.

For example, suppose you own a patent for an improved lawnmower. If someone else makes and sells the mower using your patent, they would pay you a royalty of around 4% to 5%.

3. Oil and Gas Royalties (Mineral Rights)

You can earn royalties from oil and gas wells on your property. Oil and gas royalties are generally paid as a percentage of the well’s production.

how to invest in royalties patent oil & gas

The amount you receive depends on how much money the oil or gas well makes.

If you own a mineral interest, you can earn royalties from oil and gas wells. A mineral interest is the right to receive money for any minerals found on your land. You may have this interest by owning the land or by purchasing it.

4. Royalties from a Book or Movie

How can you earn a royalty on book sales?

how to invest in royalties book

There are multiple ways to earn royalties on book sales:

  1.  The publisher sells your book to a distributor, and then the distributor resells it at a higher price with their own name on the cover.
  2.  The publisher sells your book directly to customers, and you receive a percentage of each sale as royalties.
  3. A movie produced from your book or novel would also give you royalties. The producer would pay you a percentage of the movie’s gross or net sales, or both (gross is before expenses; net after).

5. Royalty Trusts

If you invest in a royalty trust, you’ll receive regular payments from the company’s revenue. These payments are called distributions, and they’re usually made monthly or quarterly. You can earn anywhere from 2% to 15% a year on your investment.

Royalty trusts are particularly attractive investments for retired folks who want a steady income stream that’s not tied to the stock market. They’re also good for people who have a lump sum of money to invest and want the security of knowing their income will be steady.

Royalty trusts are usually set up to produce oil, gas, or mineral royalties, but they can also hold other natural resources.

6. TV & Film Royalties

The owners of copyright for creative works are entitled to receive royalties when their products are used. Films, TV shows, and songs included.

how to invest in royalties tv & film

The owner of the copyright can license their work to a third party, and in doing so receive royalties.

So if you’re an aspiring filmmaker or musician, this is something to keep in mind.

7. Dividend Stocks

If you have a portfolio of dividend stocks, this is one way to generate passive income for yourself. You can get dividends from any company that pays dividends, but the most common stocks that pay dividends are utility companies and REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts).

8. Royalty Financing

A type of alternative finance that sees a company advance an up-front fixed cash amount and promise to pay back a percentage of its future earnings, often called a royalty.

The royalty rate is calculated as a percentage of the company’s revenues or profits. In exchange for this advance, the investor agrees to share in future earnings from that investment. The amount paid back is based on the performance of the company.

9. Trademark Royalties

Passive income royalties are paid to an individual or business that owns the intellectual property, such as trademarks.

Trademark royalties are the payments made to a licensor that is received in exchange for permission to use their trademark. The two parties involved in the transaction–the licensee and the licensor–receive remunerations for their work. One way to do this is to make a one-time payment or to pay a fee per every product sold.

The licensor can be an individual, a corporation, or another business entity. Examples of trademark royalty payments include payments for the use of a trademark on clothing, toys, video games, and other products.

What are the risks of investing in royalties?

When it comes to investing, there are a few things to consider. For example, you may want to think about the type of royalty you’re investing in. Here are some of the risks associated with different types of royalties:

Depletion can occur when a natural resource is used up faster than it can be replaced. This can be a problem for investors because it means they may not receive future payments from the resource.

Volatile income distributions can make it difficult to budget and plan for the future. The amount of money you receive from a royalty investment may vary greatly from month to month or year to year, making it hard to predict your income streams.

Tax-Filing Complexity refers to the fact that investors in royalties must file complex tax returns each year. This takes time and effort and can be confusing for those who are not familiar with all the rules.

Expensive To Maintain refers to the fact that trusts are expensive to administer. There are lawyers, accountants, and other professionals who must be hired in order to manage a trust properly. This can add up quickly, especially if the trust earns a lot of money.

Trusts Are Only Profitable If Commodities Are In Demand is an important point to remember. If the commodity being mined or harvested is not in high demand, the trust may not be profitable. This can be a problem for investors who are counting on receiving regular payments from the trust.

Trustee Liable For Paying Tax On The Trust’s Money is a key point to remember. The trustee of a royalty trust is responsible for paying tax on any money earned by the trust. This can add up quickly, especially if the trust earns a lot of money.

What is NFT Royalties?

When you create something of value, like a painting or a song, you usually want to be compensated for your hard work. With digital assets, such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), creators have the opportunity to earn royalties on their work long after it’s initial sale. This is made possible by the blockchain, which allows buyers and sellers to exchange NFTs using cryptocurrency.

how to invest in royalties NFTs

Earning royalties from your art or music can be a great way to generate passive income. After all, once your work is out there in the world, it’s available for others to enjoy forever. And with the right technology in place, you can continue collecting payments even long after you’ve created it.

There are several platforms that allow creators to sell their NFTs and collect royalties automatically. For example, Ethereum-based applications like district0x allow artists and musicians to sell their works directly to fans. Other platforms like OPUS allow users to buy and sell music rights in a transparent and secure manner.

If you’re an artist or musician looking for ways to make money from your work, consider selling NFTs! It’s a great way to generate passive income from your creations while also giving people access to them worldwide.

Need more in-depth information on NFTs & Crypto? Check out these highly-rated books from

How To Invest in Royalties?

When you think about investing your money, what comes to mind? For many people, the stock market is the first thing that comes to mind. But there are other options out there, and one of those is investing in royalties.

What are royalties? In a nutshell, they’re payments made to someone for the use or exploitation of their intellectual property (IP). This might include things like copyrights, trademarks, patents, and even natural resources.

How can you invest in them? The easiest way is to participate in an auction. There are a number of companies that offer this service, and it’s a great way to get started. You can find auctions for all sorts of different types of royalties–from music rights to mineral rights.

Another option is to invest in a royalty fund. These funds pool money from investors and use it to purchase royalties from various sources. This can be a good option if you’re not sure which type of royalty you want exposure to.

The bottom line is that there are plenty of ways to get involved in the royalty market. If you’re looking for a solid investment with some potential for growth, this may be something worth exploring further!


What is considered royalty income?

Royalties are payments made by one party, the licensee, to another party, the licensor. These payments are generally a percentage of gross revenue or net profits earned by the licensee from using the licensor’s intellectual property.

What type of tax is a royalty?

Royalties are considered passive income and as such, they are taxed at the same rates as other types of investment income.

What expenses can be deducted from royalty income?

Royalties are considered passive income, and as such, they fall under the same rules as other types of investment income. This means that you can deduct your expenses related to royalty payments from your gross royalties.

The most common expenses that royalty owners can deduct from their royalties are the costs associated with the use of their intellectual property. These expenses can include things like legal services, accounting fees and any other professional service fees that you might incur in connection with your royalty income.

Is royalty income considered earned income?

In many cases, royalty income is considered earned income. However, the IRS does not consider royalties to be earned income if you do not materially participate in the activity that generated your royalties.

Is royalty truly a passive income?

Passive income is typically defined as an income earned without active participation. When you invest in royalty-based assets, you earn a passive income stream.

Passive income royalties can be earned from intangible property such as intellectual property (IP) and patents. They are also earned from a tangible property such as real estate, natural resources and even creative endeavors.

Can you get rich from royalties?

Yes, you can get rich by investing in royalty-based assets. Passive income royalties are a great way to earn money without actively working. You work hard once, and the money keeps coming in month after month, year after year.

Conclusion on Investing in Royalties

Passive income royalties are a great way to earn money without actively working.

Best of all, passive income royalties are not limited to just one avenue. There are several different types of royalties, each with its own unique way to make money. This could be a great addition to your investment portfolio, as royalties are a guaranteed way to earn money.

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